For Business Owners that are Serious About Creating Real Results
Attn Business Owners: Want to Make This Your Best Year of Growth?
Not Sure Where to Focus? Nor the Time to Figure it Out?
What If We Could Compress Months Of Strategy Development Into A Few Key Outputs That Will Change Your Marketing And Sales Results Forever?
And, What if we told you, You could
do it in One-Day.

This Offer will Give you Your Foundation in Just One Day
If you are a Business Owner you Know That:

Spend a Power-Packed Day with a SMB Marketing Expert Focused on Your Business.
Raksha will work with you ad your team privately to customize a session to meet your needs.
Customize your marketing messages and develop a strategy to improve conversions:
Here is what we will address:
Limited availability. USD$3500 for the package and all bonuses.
Book whilst there are time slots - and get these bonuses:

Pre "One-Day" Focus Consult
We will review preliminary challenges revealed by you and high level strategies possible so that we can focus your implementation day. A calendar invite and a few questions to get us going will be sent upon confirmation of your booking.
(Valued@ $250, now included in "Done in One-Day" package)
Sales & Marketing Assessment/
Audit Review
I will review with you your completed sales and marketing game-plan worksheet once you complete it and send it to me. you will get a link to download this guide upon confirmation of your booking.
(Usually priced at $497w/consult now included in "Done in One-Day" package)

Whilst your at it, here's some added value to take advantage off:
Choose "Either" The Detailed Jump-Start Assessment Or,
Add An Additional "Half-Day" At Half The Rate To Continue What We Created
We can either continue to work on your marketing messaging and foundational funnels.... Or, we can conduct a separate "JUMP START" opportunity assessment. the assessment takes 2-4 hours and leverages BBR proprietary 'profit acceleration software' to:
- Gain great insights into your high profit strategies; - Quickly identify high roi approaches - Look at speed/cost vs impact on revenue. - Prioritize your high-revenue impact plan
Choose the "one-time" add-on at the checkout

GUARANTEE : I personally guarantee that you will be able to easily and immediately take action and implement to get results after our time together or I will coach you for FREE until you are 100% confident.

You May Be Thinking . . . . (FAQ's)
The business advisory has a vast quantity of materials and over 400 hours of step by step video training with workbooks to give you a jump start. Organized according to the 5 Step to Ignite Profit Process: Leads; Conversions, Transactions; Pricing and Profitability, and Scaling your Business: Your will have at your fingertips a in each section Fundamentals, Strategies and Tactics and Ready to Customize Resources and Templates. It's got a customizable roadmap, quick start strategies and a 52 week program designed to take your business over its next revenue threshold. Take a look for yourself.
You are the business owner so you are critical to the process though you may not be necessary for the entire time. A world class mentor, and my transformation coach once said to me, " if you want to get somewhere, you must first get where you are." To create something new we must first understand the current environment and any business constraints, and create goals and determine the most cost effective high return path to address the gaps. Thats what we will need to figure out. We will conference and step away as needed but the more you - or significant members of your team, can contribute the more we can get done.
You are a solopreneur, small or medium business owner and you want to grow your business. Whatever your situation is, if you are not focusing on Marketing, Innovation and transformation as strategic initiative then you could benefit from my CTO/CMO skillset. If you are uncertain, get on my calendar and we can talk about what you need and how I can help. I do this because I love to see businesses grow and business owners Thrive. I have a broad based and powerful toolkit ready to go once I understand your challenges we will be able to pick the right ones. Let put it to the test?
Only you can control how long it will take to get results in your business and this is 100% dependent on how fast you take action and implement the proven strategies but this "Done in a Day" Services will leave you with a significant head start and perhaps even a campaign to implement or some money generating tweaks to implement,. Some of our clients have received results in as fast in 24 hours, some in a matter of days. Those that commit to take action without excuses are the ones destined to succeed. I am here to support you on your own unique journey.
1. I will give you a PDF questionnaire to answer about your business,
2. I will ask you to gather any documents, books, advertising marketing data and marketing collateral you are using so that we can review them and have baseline data to work with.
3. I will ask you to make yourself available and have accessible anyone on your team whose inputs may benefit the process.
4. Get excited. We are going to create accelerated progress come open to big possibilities and ready to roll up your sleeves.
If you are prepared, we will have most of the discovery ground work done prior to and during our business growth levers roll-up our sleeves business day (or equivalent). Thereafter within 10 days you will have any follow on work products, deliverables, templates and recommendations delivered for your implementation along with any supporting mastermind memberships you may choose to supplement your growth.
We may choose to continue the work, and/or conduct an Audit of your existing business and identify quick results (implementation speed/vs results) activities to incorporate into your marketing plan. The video says 2 hours for the mini version but the full blown prioritization can take as much as 3-6 hours. Check it out
by that statement.
15 years ago, I founded a fast growing association in the knowledge and innovation management space and I discovered the power that community can have on its members and their environments. Years later I realized that business owners such as ourselves lack that sort of community. Yes there are many groups out there - networking groups etc. But not a community that actually support business owner's in what they really care about: the day to days of growing their business so they can enjoy business ownership. That is why I founded the Build Business Results Network (BBR) Network: a global virtual group of business owners standing for each other’s success. We have an abundant mindset, innovate and are in ACTION building business results. Do Join Us.
About Raksha Sukhia, CKM, CKEE, CIARP
Raksha is a highly sought-after business growth coach with a demonstrated track record in on bringing her clients, customers and profitability. She has 2 decades of experience supporting CEO’s of multinationals in bringing about strategic growth and transformation. She has served as Regional Marketing & Innovation Director for a global-multi-billion-dollar IT services company, and has been the driving force behind several other successful upstart businesses their early acceleration stage. Her mindset is on making her clients money and her toolkit embraces the spectrum of the business and leadership value chain. She is the founder of the Build Business Results (BBR)Network that supports small and medium enterprises regardless of product or service to rapidly implement proven high-growth strategies across the spectrum of marketing, sales and strategic business finance and innovation management, leveraging her 5 Step to Accelerate Profit ModelTM Her proprietary toolkit is offered to clients 24-7 within the BBR Online Business Advisory. She is a certified sales enablement coach, ontological coach and digital marketer with a master’s degree in organizational development, change & knowledge management and a a degree in International Economics and Business with a specialty in Business Administration. Raksha has experience launching and growing small and large businesses across industries and geographies including having launched the worlds fastest growing knowledge and innovation management organization. She is a speaker and author and continuous learner. She travels extensively splitting her time between her homes in Singapore and USA whilst supporting her customer base.

- Actual Tools and Templates used may vary according to evaluated client needs.
- Results are subject to data/inputs, collateral, and availability of key stakeholders, including CEO during the process.
- Lead magnet, content development + funnel implementation not included (but may be separately contracted).
- Delivery via web conferencing (where in-person is not feasible).
- Results Summation will be provided within 10 days.
This price will NOT last forever as demand continues to increase.